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California Institute of Advanced Management


Minglo Shao


Jun 20, 2020

“To make our institutions perform responsibly, autonomously, and on a high level of achievement is thus the only safeguard of freedom and dignity in the pluralist society of institutions. Performing, responsible management is the alternative to tyranny and our only protection against it”. - Peter F. Drucker

World-renowned as “the father of modern management”, Peter Drucker believed that although he was famous for establishing management as a discipline, he was actually a “social ecologist”, and his real concern was the individual’s existence in the social environment. In Drucker’s view, management was a newly emerging tool for improving society and life. He was the author of 39 books, only 15 of which dealt with management. The others were related to community, society, and polity. Only two books —Management for Results and Innovation and Entrepreneurship —were devoted to business management.

Drucker knew that human nature is imperfect, so nothing humans create, including the societies they design, can be perfect. He didn’t hold high expectations or ideals for society; he only hoped that it could be less painful and more tolerant. However, a society still has to have basic functions; it has to provide the people living in it with the conditions for normal life and work, and it has to give individuals identity and status. These functions or conditions are necessary for a society in the same way that normal functions are necessary for a living body.

It is worth noting that society is not the same as nation-state, because “nation-state(government)” and “family” cannot provide the necessary functions of a society. This is evidenced by the fact that some powerful countries have only fragile and fragmented societies. In Drucker’s view, in the industrial age, a normal functioning society must consist of at least three types of institutions: government, business, and non-profit, each of which plays a different and unique role. Individual organizations within each of those categories must have distinctive performances, which requires them to have power centers and decision-making mechanisms. The power centers and decision-making mechanisms should give each individual a place within the organization, allowing them to use their strengths, to play a part and contribute, therefore obtaining livelihood, identity, and status. In the past, nation-state did not have such power centers or decision-making mechanisms; in other words, “management” is the new “polity”. (Drucker collectively refers to all three power centers as “polity”: management systems of business, management systems of nonprofit institutions, and governmental systems of nation-state, because these three sectors all hold power but each has different objectives. Business and non-profit organizations have the power to allocate society’s resources in order to provide specific products and services; the government has the power to arbitrate and intervene to maintain fairness and justice throughout society).

Near Claremont University in the United States, there is a small Drucker memorial — the Drucker House Museum — in what was once Peter Drucker’s California home. On entering the museum, one sees a famous quote in a prominent place facing the entrance of the living room:

“To make our institutions perform responsibly, autonomously, and on a high level of achievement is thus the only safeguard of freedom and dignity in the pluralist society of institutions. Performing, responsible management is the alternative to tyranny and our only protection against it”.

When the museum opened, the Drucker Institute’s colleagues asked themselves, if they were to choose a quote from Drucker’s publications that sums up the significance of his work to the world, what would it be? They eventually chose the above passage.

If you are familiar with Drucker’s life and how his beliefs and values were formed, you’ll surely agree with their choice. From The End of Economic Man, his first book, to A Functioning Society, the last volume that he completed independently, a common thread runs through all his work: resistance to totalitarianism and defense of the individual’s freedom and dignity.

There is a great difference between totalitarianism and authoritarianism. It was not until the 20th century, with the rapid advancement of human knowledge and capabilities, that conditions arose for the centuries-old tradition of authoritarianism to mutate into totalitarianism. Totalitarianism seeks to thoroughly manipulate and control every human being, flesh and spirit, to expunge their compassion and conscience, transforming them into humanoid machines that fulfill the dreams of individual totalitarian rulers. Under totalitarian rule, loyalty to leaders is everything; personal thoughts, feelings, desires, and goals are superfluous and must be eliminated. The 20th century brought wars, revolutions, and movements that caused unprecedented disasters and human suffering. Whether Nazism (National Socialism), Fascism, or Communism, all are “masterpieces” of totalitarianism. The rise of Hitler and Nazism, which the young Drucker lived through, is among them. To best understand how Drucker’s experiences influenced his beliefs and values, read his Adventures of a Bystander. To see what totalitarianism is and why the masses support it, read his The End of Economic Man, with the subtitle “The Origins of Totalitarianism”.

Fortunately, history’s evolution has not always been so dispiriting. Since the Industrial Revolution, especially from the 1800s onward, in the last 200 years, productivity has increased dramatically, not only creating vast material wealth but also bringing profound changes in the social structure. Eighty years ago, Drucker perceived and pointed out the formation of a new pluralistic, organizational society: Emerging enterprises and nonprofit institutions fill the gaps and empty spaces between “nation-state” (government) and “family” in the social structure of the past.

Based on that foundation, universal education and the rise of the knowledge worker are creating a knowledge economy and a knowledge society, and information technology has accelerated all these changes. It should be noted that “knowledge society” and “knowledge worker” are terms Drucker coined. “Knowledge workers” broadly refers to those who possess and apply specialized knowledge and work to create useful products and services for society. This includes entrepreneurs and executives, professionals, and technicians in any organization, as well as independent professionals, such as accountants, lawyers, consultants, trainers, and so on. Today, in the 21st century, owing to the development of knowledge and the ever-widening area to which it is applied, individuals and individual institutions are no longer alone and helpless. Having mastered certain types of knowledge, they have freedom of choice to decide where and how to work and the power to influence others. Knowledge workers and the knowledge-based organizations they formed no longer resemble traditional intellectuals. Knowledge workers’ unique characteristics are their independence and autonomy. They can integrate resources, build their own organizations or start new businesses, create value, and foster economic, social, cultural, and political changes. Traditional intellectuals depended on and were subject to government authorities, and could only act on platforms provided by those authorities.

This is an epoch-making, far-reaching change that has taken place not only in Western developed countries, Japan, and other democracies but also in many developing countries still under authoritarian or even totalitarian rule, such as in today’s China. In totalitarian countries, rulers instinctively and inevitably treat independent and autonomous organizations and knowledge workers as potential threats, suppressing or even banning them. But this can have only one consequence: the hollowing out of society and the economy, which in turn will undermine the basis on which any regime depends, ultimately leading to totalitarianism's collapse. To put it in popular terms, the wave of freedom and democracy now sweeping the world is irresistible; totalitarian rulers, no matter how ostensibly powerful and arrogant, will inevitably be drowned by it.

A healthy modern society is made up of pluralistic organizations. Of the three organizational categories — government, business, and nonprofit; businesses and nonprofits are comparatively more constrained by the market, the public, and the government. Therefore, their managements are less likely than the government to take the road to totalitarian rule (except for businesses and nonprofits that are de facto government proxies). That’s why, in Drucker’s view, businesses and nonprofits are more important and worthy of hope than governments. Nonetheless, they may still fail to achieve the “performing, responsible” operation that Drucker expects, either due to lack of management or mismanagement, providing space and opportunity for totalitarian governments to monopolize social resources and strip individuals’ rights. The rise of knowledge workers in all organizations, including the Internet-era’s virtual work community, has provided the foundation and conditions for a new era of management, posing a challenge to the traditional “carrot-and-stick” approach to management. In response to this reality, Drucker researched, established, and constantly strove to improve the discipline of modern management.

On January 18, 1999, when he was almost 90 years old, Drucker answered the question, “What is my most important contribution?” This is what he wrote:

“That I focus this discipline (management) on People and Power; on Values, Structure and Constitution; AND ABOVE ALL ON RESPONSIBILITIES - that is focused the Discipline of Management on Management as a truly LIBERAL ART”.

Dubbing management discipline a “liberal art” was Drucker’s brainchild, reflecting his unique perspective on management. This is obviously important, but in his many works, there is little further explanation of it. The most complete exposition is found in the fifteenth chapter of his book The New Realities, entitled "Management as Social Function and Liberal Art”:

“Thirty years ago, the English scientist and novelist C.P. Snow talked of the ‘two cultures’ of contemporary society. Management, however, fits neither Snow’s ‘humanist’ or his ‘scientist.’ It deals with action and application; and its test is results. This makes it a technology. But management also deals with people, their values, their growth and development—and this makes it a humanity. So does it concern with, and impact on, social structure and the community. Indeed as been learnt by everyone who, like this author, has been working with managers of all kinds of institutions for long years, management is deeply involved in spiritual concerns—the nature of man, good and evil.

Management is thus what tradition used to call a liberal art: ‘liberal’ because it deals with the fundamentals of knowledge, self-knowledge, wisdom, and leadership; ‘art’ because it is practice and application. Managers draw on all the knowledge and insights of the humanities and the social sciences—on psychology and philosophy, on economics and on history, on the physical sciences and on ethics. But they have to focus this knowledge on effectiveness and results—on healing a sick patient, teaching a student, building a bridge, designing and selling a ‘user-friendly’ software program”.

As one who has many years of practical management experience and has read nearly all of Drucker’s works, I have often pondered why Drucker called management a “liberal art”? I finally realized that this was not just a beautiful and unconventional act but was a characterization of management; it revealed management’s essence and pointed out the proper direction for managerial efforts. At a minimum, this includes the following implications:

First, the most fundamental management issue, or the key to management, is how managers and individual knowledge workers regard and handle the relationship between people and power. Drucker was a Christian. His faith and his life experiences were mutually confirming and had a profound impact on his research and writing. In his view, man should not have power. Only humankind’s creator, God, master of all things, has power. The Creator is always superior to humans. After all, human nature is weak and cannot resist the temptation to acquire power or withstand its trials. Therefore, a person can only possess authority. He is authorized by the Creator because of his character, knowledge, and ability, which are effective only at a certain stage and in certain actions. This is true not only for individuals but for the entire human race. In democratic countries, “the people are sovereign”; their power is also a kind of authorization granted by the Creator. Under this authorization, human beings are only “tools”—they have free will but must also accept responsibility. Human beings are the Creator’s tools and they cannot become masters; They cannot manipulate and control fellow humans according to their own intentions, nor should they become tools for the manipulation and control of others. Only by recognizing this will people gain both humility and a sense of responsibility; only then will fairness and justice—which the Creator alone commands and which can only summon and be revealed to humans—guide their actions. Moreover, people must constantly examine themselves and willingly conform to society's norms and constraints. 

Second, although human nature is imperfect, every person comes from the Creator and bears his image and good intentions. In this sense, they are all equal to each other, all have their value, their creative abilities, and their functions, and should be respected, and encouraged to create. As stated in the American Declaration of Independence, all men are created equal, and every person has innate, self-evident and inalienable rights. The fundamental reason why “Drucker’s” management discipline can make a difference stems from just this conviction. Does one believe that every person has goodwill and potential? And does one thus really treat people equally? These core values and convictions ultimately determine whether one can respond to Drucker’s management knowledge and whether one can understand and implement it.

Third, in knowledge societies and knowledge organizations, every worker, to some extent, is both a knowledge worker and an executive. In that, they can use their expertise to authoritatively influence other people and organizations — knowledge is power. But power must be governed by responsibility. And performance and results indicate how effective an executive has been in exercising responsibility. Power that accounts to performance and results is legitimate, that is, it is represents authorized authority; otherwise, it becomes “might”, which Drucker is firmly opposed to. The importance of performance and results lies not only in economic and material aspects but also in the psychological aspects that people tend to overlook. If managers and leaders continually fail to solve real issues, a despairing public will irrationally choose to rely on and obey powers that promise a “perfect society”, and willingly surrender their freedom and dignity. This is why Drucker repeatedly warned that if a management fails, totalitarianism will take its place.

Fourth, does management have other responsibilities besides getting organizations to achieve performance and results? Or to put it another way, are performance and results limited to quantifiable economic gains and wealth? In addition to providing customers with inexpensive, high-quality products and services, and earning reasonable profits for shareholders, can an industrial or commercial enterprise become a good, responsible “social citizen”? Can it help its employees enhance their character and competence, turning the organization into a “moral community”? This might seem too demanding, but it is reasonable. More than ten years ago, I worked with a multinational logistics corporation that asked itself and found it was possible to put it into practice. This means that we must learn to design moral and ethical demands and economic goals into the same workflow, the same set of weighing systems, and into every method, tool, and model of operation. Today, it is gratifying that more and more organizations are beginning to take this issue seriously and responding positively to it in their respective fields.

Fifth, “博雅技藝的管理” (management as a liberal art) or “博雅管理” (liberal-art management) are lovely Chinese translations, but they’re a bit problematic. Judged from the three requirements of translation — 信 xin (fidelity), 達 da (clarity and flow), and 雅 ya (elegance), the rendering is elegant but is not faithful enough to the original. Translated directly into Chinese, “liberal art” would be “free art” (自由的技藝); that is, freedom from restraints, a liberal art that lets people throw off restraints and attain spiritual and physical freedom. To put it another way, to become a free person, one must master an art. In ancient Greece and Rome, only “freemen” were permitted to learn such knowledge and skills; slaves neither needed nor were permitted to study them, because only “freemen” bore the exalted responsibilities of a citizen. However, in the earliest traditional Chinese-character editions of Drucker’s works, “liberal art” was translated as 博雅藝術 boya yishu, probably to take advantage of the positive connotations that terminology has in the Chinese language. I feel that “自由的技藝” (free art) is closer to the original English meaning. “Liberal” is freed. “Art” can be translated as 藝術 yishu, but management must be applied, it must perform and produce results, so it is first and foremost a “skill (技能)”. On the other hand, the management’s object is people’s working. When dealing with people, managers must face the good and evil inherent in human nature, as well as people's ideas — emotional and rational — which can change on a moment’s notice. They also must face the same issues within themselves. When viewed from this angle, management is an “art” involving subjective judgment. Therefore, “art” is more suitably interpreted as技藝. “Liberal” (自由) and “art” (技藝) combined is “liberal art” (自由的技藝).

Finally, I’d like to say, the reason I've taken such pains in translating “liberal art” is not just to produce a “correct” Chinese equivalent. More importantly, it’s to stress that management is not what people commonly mistake it for: a study of how to succeed, either personally or organizationally. Its aim is not to help an enterprise make money or achieve the highest efficiency in production; nor is its aim to help a non-profit organization win a good public reputation. Management aims to allow every person to live in a healthier, less harmful and painful human society and community. It is to allow every worker to freely choose the responsibility one is willing to bear in that society or community, according to one's innate goodwill and potential, to freely use one's talents to create value that is useful to others, thus fulfilling one’s responsibility. Moreover, in the process of that creative work, to live out human dignity and grow into a better and more capable person: They have pragmatic knowledge and skills, but are not arrogant or vain; they pursue psychological and spiritual sublimation, but are not jaded or cynical; they revere the sanctity of natural creation, but are not callous or cold-hearted. As a “social ecologist”, this is what Drucker defined and anticipated —"Management as a Liberal Art” or “liberal-art management”, the terms’ true meaning.

By Marketing Dept 05 Dec, 2023
Project management tools, methods, and technologies keep evolving, giving managers new ways to create, manage, and execute projects. At CIAM, we equip learners with the skills and confidence to develop their professional edge in project management. Our MBA project management courses cover the fundamentals and key concepts of project analysis and organizational management. Here is more information about three emerging trends in the field of project management: 1. Evolving Technology Project management tools and technologies are constantly evolving. The advent of low-code and no-code development allows project managers to design custom in-house management tools. Modern project management tools are built to seamlessly integrate with existing time tracking, resource management, CRM, and accounting software. Project managers can also use other management software, including portfolio management, collaboration, data analytics, visualization, and change management platforms. Project managers and their teams use rapidly advancing technologies like automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. These technologies' rapid growth rates and improvements can make software selection challenging. Digital project managers must expand their skill set to evaluate and prioritize the right technology that can adapt to new advancements. Our MBA project management courses can give you an understanding of efficient project management software to help you identify, evaluate, and adopt the right technology for your projects. 2. Hybrid Methodologies Project management methodologies have evolved from traditional Waterfall to Agile approaches, but hybrid models are gaining the most traction. Organizations are shifting from a single-methodology system to hybrid models involving multiple project management methodologies that allow for more flexibility. Project managers can borrow ideas from different methodologies to match their work environments. They have multiple methodologies to consider when looking for the right fit for their projects and environments, like Scrum, Six Sigma, and Lean. Traditional approaches like Waterfall focus on strict process planning and future analysis for risk mitigation. Modern Agile methodologies offer the flexibility to change paths during the project with adaptive teams and simpler task objectives. Agile approaches work great for software development teams. CIAM helps students explore these methodologies by offering a course in project management in practice. The course explores key concepts and emerging trends in project management methodologies. 3. Remote Work The preference for remote and contract work has risen, with staffers and freelance project managers opting for distributed project teams. Location dependence is being phased out, and project managers are adapting their strategies to manage remote teams. Remote work involves optimizing communication systems and maintaining team cohesion and project transparency. This new workspace also propels collaborative innovations like cloud-based project management software and video conferencing platforms. Digital project management is a high-demand freelancing skill, and more companies are embracing remote project managers and co-working arrangements. Project managers must reevaluate their processes and schedules to accommodate teams in different time zones and cultures. This digital environment also increases project managers' reliance on data analysis and software tools to reduce project complexity. Project managers can use management software to review reports, issue new assignments and briefings, and monitor task progress remotely. Enroll in the MBA Project Management Program CIAM is dedicated to teaching the philosophies of management as a liberal art and offers several MBA program emphases, including project management. Our MBA project management course gives students the practical tools to guide projects in marketing, finance, healthcare, accounting, and other industries. Contact us today to learn more about our project management courses and how they can help develop your professional skills.
By Marketing Dept 05 Dec, 2023
Business analytics involves using data analysis and statistical methods to make informed decisions. CIAM offers various MBA programs in California, including an MBA in Executive Management with a concentration in Business Analytics. Here are four types of business analytics and how they’re used: Diagnostic Analytics Diagnostic analytics provides insights into specific trends by uncovering patterns and relationships within data. Retailers might use pattern recognition to analyze sales data and identify seasonal trends or patterns in customer purchasing behavior. In healthcare, diagnostic analytics can explore the correlation between patient demographics, lifestyle factors, and the occurrence of specific medical conditions. Financial institutions can use data mining techniques to analyze customer transactional info to identify irregularities that may indicate fraudulent activities. MBA programs in California include courses in the Management of Information Systems that explore the role of technology in business decision-making. Diagnostic analytics may be integrated into these courses to help students understand how data analysis contributes to managerial decision support. Predictive Analytics Predictive analytics uses statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify the probability of future outcomes based on historical data. CIAM offers Applied Probability and Statistics in Data Analytics as one of the courses to help graduates grasp predictive analytics. Credit card companies use predictive analytics to detect potentially fraudulent transactions by analyzing spending patterns and transaction locations. Predictive analytics helps organizations predict which customers will likely churn or discontinue using their products or services. By analyzing customer behavior, engagement, and historical data, businesses can take preventive measures to retain valuable customers. Insurance companies use predictive analytics to assess the risk of policyholders making claims, allowing them to set appropriate premiums. Big Data Analytics Big data analytics involves analyzing large and complex datasets beyond the functionalities of traditional data processing methods. CIAM offers an Advanced Analytics for Business course to equip graduates with considerable data skills. Students learn about data cleanup, data exploration analysis, forecasting, classification, and clustering. In the manufacturing sector, experts use sensor data to predict when machinery and equipment are likely to fail, allowing them to perform the correct maintenance. Businesses analyze large datasets on employee performance, engagement, and recruitment to make informed decisions about talent management, workforce planning, and employee satisfaction. Online companies can also analyze customer data to tailor marketing campaigns and advertisements based on individual preferences and behaviors. Prescriptive Analytics Prescriptive analytics predicts future outcomes and recommends actions to improve a business process. Airlines use prescriptive analytics to optimize revenue to adjust ticket prices based on demand, time until departure, and competitor pricing. In project management, prescriptive analytics can assist in allocating human resources based on skills and availability, optimizing project timelines and resource utilization. Pursue MBA Programs in California CIAM offers master in business administration programs in California focusing on business analytics to help graduates make informed decisions by leveraging data analysis techniques. MBA graduates proficient in analytic tools can adapt easily to the evolving digital landscape, staying relevant in their careers. Register for an MBA program through our website or contact us for more details.
By Marketing Dept 05 Dec, 2023
Virtue ethics put virtue and an individual's character above the consequences of voluntary acts, rules, or principles of conduct. Other ethical systems emphasize doing one's duty and acting to bring about good outcomes. At CIAM, we focus on teaching management philosophies as a liberal art, and our MBA project management courses cover the role and application of ethical principles during the lifecycle of a project. Here's how you can apply virtue ethics to the project management process: Resolving Ethical Dilemmas Project managers should do what's right for the company, society, and stakeholders while adhering to local laws. As a project manager, you must oversee the project to fulfill the organization's goals, social responsibility, and welfare commitment. CIAM's MBA project management course on ethical leadership prepares students to deal with ethical dilemmas in the decision-making process. Ethical dilemmas occur when situations conflict with your moral values or professional project management standards. Examples of ethical dilemmas you may face include employee anxiety, lawful conduct, fairness, transparency, and accountability. If teams are anxious about their job security due to automation, you can assure them of their roles and responsibilities. You can also fairly represent the performance of employees without favoritism. Virtue ethics apply to many situations and dilemmas that require compassion, fairness, and sound leadership. Project managers can use virtue ethics to prioritize moral values and determine what a virtuous person would do in each situation. Consistency In Decision Making Project management decisions tend to be goal-oriented, resulting in ethical systems focusing on the rules and principles of conduct. Managers and teams emphasize the consequences of their actions and obedience to set regulations and authorities. Analyzing consistency in decision-making is one way to apply virtue ethics in the project management process. Project managers can establish standardized review approaches so everyone involved can access the same tools and metrics needed for their jobs. Ethics require consistency, meaning a project manager's morals, standards, values, and decisions must not be contradictory. Good virtues for project managers include honesty, courage, tolerance, integrity, fairness, compassion, and self-control. Applying these virtues in project management can result in consistent decision-making. Consistency reduces subjectivity and bias in communication, task assignment, reviews, and engagement. All teams and individuals should receive fair treatment and access to resources and information. Team Motivation and Leadership Project management requires skilled and confident leaders who can identify issues and apply ethical principles while finding solutions. At CIAM, we teach models of ethics, duty, motivation, and leadership to cultivate a sense of compassionate management. Project managers are also trained in the importance of service to others and leadership as a liberal art. Adopting the ethical principles and cardinal virtues of courage, justice, fortitude, truthfulness, and restraint can result in project managers creating an empowered team. Project managers can apply virtue ethics during hiring processes to find team members with strong values. Employees who embody desirable virtues carry their behavior into the workplace and influence others. Creating a strong organizational culture with mental fortitude, courage, self-control, and kindness as its central values can drive workplace productivity. Business leaders can also solve issues and inspire others through responsible, compassionate, and holistic management principles designed to elevate humanity. Explore MBA Project Management Programs CIAM's MBA project management in practice courses are designed to help students understand how virtue ethics apply to project management. After learning about virtue ethics in an MBA program, project managers can use the concepts to enhance their workplaces. Contact CIAM today to learn more about our MBA project management courses and how they can help you develop your professional edge and ethics.
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